Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I Can't Stand Still

There's gotta be something in my veins, blood that settles like cement. And there's something in my hair too, it makes my hands shift strands from side to side. There's that very same something running through my limbs, making me tap my fingers on countertops. Now. You feel it too? I can't stand still.

And in my reflection, I am lying. I spit fabrications, as if I could capture me in one second. It's difficult for me to listen to me. But I'm everywhere I go. I find me in the bathroom, on shiny cars, and pools of water. Nobody is a picture. We're movies. We drip, we ebb, we flow. You see it too? We don't stand still.

I think I once read a book. Or was it a movie? A dream? Where time became a dimension. Suddenly my eyes saw who you were, who you are, who you'll be all at once. Where'd you go? I can only see in pictures now. So when you look at me, don't look at me in that second, look at me in forever. You feel it too? We're never standing still. 

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